VIDEOS Dira’s dreams (Nostalgia) Breathhold and waterbox (Dira) Underwater tests (Jeanna) Dry breathhold audition (Jeanna) Make me do it longer! Wow breathholding (Dira) Breathing workout Voodoo (new story after years) Voodoo Yuna’s colorful dreams Push to the limit Virtual competition. Neverending story 2018 UW breath-hold training (Dira). Dira’s dreams Dira’s underwater exam Tests for Dira. (Dry BH) Buddy breathing. Waterbox extreme breathplay (Dominica) Waterbox breathplay (Zaliya) Waterbox breathplay (Riya) short version Waterbox breathplay (Riya) I want to feel it (Zalia) I want to feel it (Dominica) No turning back (2018) Dominica. Underwater training. Zalia. Underwater training. Experiment “teleportation” Regular training before shooting. In captivity of his desires (end of story) In captivity of his desires 2 In captivity of his desires Russian Roulette 2018 (part 2) Russian Roulette 2018 (part 1) Zalia throwing dice. Dominica throwing dice. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 …